Mapping parties

A fortnight ago was the OpenStreetMap London mapping party. It was the first mapping party I had been to - but it was on the weekend that my snowboarding trip finished, so I wasn’t sure how much of it I was going to make. As it turned out, I got there on the Saturday in time to join everyone in the pub - and after getting up late (and hungover) the following morning, we only had enough time to fill in some blanks along either side of Oxford Street. Dave (in green, second from right) had done more during the day on Saturday.

Mapping parties are weird, because whilst we’re all being sociable and working together on a project, when we’re actually out doing stuff, it goes back to a solitary pursuit. But getting to put names to faces in the pub is always worth it!

I’m not sure if I’m going to go to the Bristol event on the weekend after next, but I’m interested in the “Pathways of Desire” party next month - it sounds a bit different from the urban mapping I normally do, without being inconveniently far away from London!

Oh, and the picture of Putney on my GPS is currently the Featured Image on the front page of the OSM wiki, as well as having been favourited by someone on flickr - both of which I’m quite proud of!

This post was posted on 13 February 2007 and tagged OpenStreetMap