Biking and mapping

I seem to blink, and another month goes by.

Last weekend I went mountain biking in Wales with Gary, which was great fun. We stayed at the Cae Gwyn Farm B&B, which was very nice, and a short downhill ride to the mountain biking centre at Coed y Brenin. First time I've done proper mountain biking on rocky trails - it would have been impossible without suspension, and even with, it was pretty hard going. Still, I think I'll be doing it again some time soon. Anyone else fancy it?

I've also been doing more openstreetmap stuff - there was an interesting mapping party at a eco-warrior type place down in Mitcham (the Pathways of Desire party I mentioned previously), looking to open up paths and cycle tracks through some wasteground nearby. A worthwhile pursuit, and I'm looking forward to the day when OSM starts producing customised maps for cyclists and suchlike. If you haven't looked recently, the main map has had an update - check out how Putney is doing! It's going from strength to strength. Needless to say, I was collecting tracks when biking with Gary, and I'm trying to find time to trace them out into the system...

This post was posted on 20 March 2007 and tagged Life, OpenStreetMap