16 Days

I'm back at work now, which is unfortunate but somewhat expected. I took some time off work to extend my Easter break out to a full fortnight, and had some fun doing things I wanted to do.

I got a new phone, for one thing. My old one wouldn't do left and right button presses, and stopped sending text messages too. When I couldn't figure out why, and went to the Orange shop on a nice and quiet Monday morning, they just gave me a new phone instead, and lowered my bills as part of the bargain. Nice approach to problem solving.

I bought a new camera bag - a camera rucksack really. It's really nice, and really tough too. I was getting fed up carrying all the bits and bobs split between my old camera bag and my daysack - I've bought a lot more stuff since I was given the bag a few years ago! I've already worn it whilst climbing and roughed around with it - I'll probably review it properly at some point.

I went climbing in the Peaks with a few people - but the photos from that are nice enough to deserve their own posting (to follow).

I did lots of other things too - cycling on the Thames, going to the Tate Modern, going picnicing and drinking and openstreetmapping and all kinds of fun stuff. I need to find a seasonal job, like one of these work hard for 6 months and we'll give you six months off type things - I've got too many things I want to do, and two days each weekend just isn't enough!

This post was posted on 19 April 2007 and tagged Life