OpenStreetMap Cycle Map

So those of you who don't attentively follow the OpenStreetMap mailing lists will have missed my announcement of a new cycle map that I've made! It uses the National Cycle Network and local cycle network information that we have gathered to show a map specifically tuned for cyclists.

As you can see, it's not entirely complete, but we're getting there. The data for Putney is unsurprisingly quite good! From the talk on the mailing lists the map has spurred a few people to go back over areas where they know where the routes are, and add the right tags to make it show up. Spotting new cycle routes has turned into a hobby of mine now - it's amazing how many of them there are if you keep your eyes peeled for the little stickers on lampposts and the slightly more obvious street signs.

Even though we need to gather loads more routes, I already think this is one of the best cycle maps I've found online - much better than ones based on tracing over google maps. It's especially disappointing how poor the data is from Sustrans and the London Cycle Campaign themselves. Sustrans maps, if you use Internet Explorer and if their webserver isn't grindingly slow, can be found online, but it's fairly poor and you can't reuse it (or link to it). The London Cycle Network is ten times worse, with their online map requiring registration and their pdf maps are completely rubbish.

So not exactly competition for the end result, but they've got a head start on the data collection (well, they choose where the routes are, so that could be counted as cheating!). If anyone fancies inviting me to come for a cycle ride and map out a cycle route in their area, then let me know and I'll come and help. Other than that, sit back, and watch the weekly progress as the OpenStreetMap pixies come and map a cycle route near you!

This post was posted on 31 July 2007 and tagged OpenStreetMap