The Skye Guide

It's probably about time I plugged a website that I like to keep an eye on - The Skye Guide. The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice what draws my interest... no, not specifically the creative commons license ( :-) ), but it's a website that my Dad runs in his spare time.

I've only been to Skye once, and that was many years ago, but I have to agree with the comment on the Quiraing - one of the most awesome places I've ever been. Don't miss it if you're nearby. I can't remember much else about my visit - other than a very, very talented busker in one village who we listened to ad-libbing about what was going on in the town in an amazing cross between folk guitar and observational comedy.

I'd love if he could link to openstreetmap instead of the ordance survey, but the coverage of Skye is somewhat lacking at the moment!

This post was posted on 31 July 2007 and tagged Intarweb, OpenStreetMap