Cycle Map - 13th September
I haven't changed any rendering yet (despite promises to Richard about the national byway), but I might get a chance to do that later this week. For now, it's only the routes that have been added:
- Extension of ncn 3 through Taunton and Tiverton
- The ncn 5 completed from Reading to Oxford
- Another short section of the ncn 6 south of Leicester, and more further north near Lancaster and Milnthorpe
- A short extension to the ncn 4 and some of the ncn 61 around Windsor, Eton and Slough
For the last one, Dave and I actually cycled to Uxbridge, so there's still more to add. But with the TIGER import running and the continuing expansion of the database, tagging is becoming a pain as everything grinds to a halt. Hopefully either Dave or I will put the rest of the 61 into the database before too long.
This post was posted on 13 September 2007 and tagged OpenStreetMap