OSM Cycle Map on my GPS

Sound familiar? Not quite. A year ago I posted about putting an OSM map of putney on my GPS. Six months ago I started doing the whole bike map thing, so now there’s significant amounts of cycle routes in the database - several thousand kilometres’ worth. And today, thanks to some work by Richard Fairhurst, I get to combine the two:

Osm Cycle Map on my GPS

OpenStreetMap seriously kicks ass. I don’t know of anywhere else that you can get cycle-customised garmin maps, for free. Whenever anyone wonders why we bother with OpenStreetMap, HERE’S YOUR ANSWER. I’ll probably start distributing the gmapsupp.img files for anyone who’s interested. Thanks to Richard, Steve Radcliffe, Computerteddy and of course everyone who’s ever contributed cycle data to the project.

Oh, and it’s a serious pain in the ass trying to get good photos of a GPS - you should have seen the hassle I went through to get this looking better than the last one!

This post was posted on 13 January 2008 and tagged OpenStreetMap