The Bike Show

Last night's episode of "The Bike Show", aired on London's Resonance FM, featured an extended interview with your's truly on the subject of OpenStreetMap and my OSM cycle map. The interview was recorded out and about around London a couple of weeks ago - and if you want to listen to it, it's available on their website - "Reclaim the Street(maps)".

Also on the programme was a short interview with George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore from the Camden Cycle campaign. We've been collaborating over their mapping website,, to use my cycle maps as the backdrop to their routes, and you can switch from Google to OSM using the drop-down in the top right corner of their maps.

So those of you paying attention to the interview will know who finished off the LCN 22 a couple of weeks ago!

This post was posted on 5 February 2008 and tagged OpenStreetMap