Hill Shade Teaser

Time for another glimpse behind the scenes in the Cycle Map development!

Hill Shade Teaser

Elevation colouring! Hill Shading! How cool is that? (N.B. If you ever hear me asking, then the answer is one of 'very' and 'awesome'. 'Meh' is a valid response, but don't let me hear you saying it!)

Now for all the OSM types there's a few caveats. The last time I posted a teaser (for contours) it took me six months to get things working properly. And there's plenty of things need fixing before the hillshading will go live, like some resolution issues, tiling issues, a minor problem involving the ocean shapefiles and so on - never mind choosing some colours that are a bit more subtle. So be patient!

This post was posted on 21 May 2008 and tagged OpenStreetMap