Busy Days

It’s busy days for me, as usual. Two weeks ago I was presenting and running a workshop at the Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School conference in Aberdeen. Flying back from that meant that I missed the awards ceremony for the British Cartographic Society’s annual awards - at which I was commended for the work on OpenCycleMap.org - there’s now a certificate hanging above the TV in our lounge, but I’ll see how long that one lasts. After all that, I spent a week on holiday in Wales - driving through some of the worst weather conditions I’ve experienced on the Friday after work. Most of the week was pretty soggy too, although there are plenty of paths in the area that need mapping. Interestingly (well, maybe only to me) we were in the area of the hill shading teaser that I made a few months ago - staying just off the top, and spending most days walking around there. As Richard said at the time, it’s a pretty nice area.

Whilst I’ve been back, I’ve been to the bar (once or twice), another mapping party, a Bourbon Blue band night, some climbing at the Westway, and was even interviewed by one of our German OSMers who came over to London. Next up, I’m off to FOSS4G in Cape Town tomorrow night for a week - now if only someone would come up with a more pleasant (and environmentally friendly) way to travel there… If you’re in Cape Town and fancy meeting up - give me a shout!

This post was posted on 25 September 2008 and tagged Life