Interviews and Awards

Interested in my prognostications on the world's best cycle map or OpenStreetMap in general? Then check out the recent interview I had with Ed Freyfogle from Nestoria. And while you're over there, check out Nestoria itself or even better their experimental OpenStreetMap version of Nestoria.

September 2008 was a pretty busy time for me, including speaking at the Society of Cartographer's Annual conference (slides are online, although of dubious merit without the narration), and running a session on OpenStreetMap at FOSS4G in Cape Town. In amongst all that, I was interviewed by Peter Eich, but thankfully he was happy for me to stick to English!

It was also the month that I received two awards for my work on OpenCycleMap - the first, a Commendation from the British Cartographic Society (coverage over on the CloudMade blog), and additionally the prestigious "Lolcat of awesomeness" from OSM itself - technically I got a part share of the API0.6 award too, but who's counting?

This post was posted on 5 January 2009 and tagged OpenStreetMap