State of the Map 2008 videos online (at last!)

I'm sure we've all got videos that we mean to edit, or photos we mean to upload, but we never really get round to it. OpenStreetMap has been in a similar position for the last few years regarding videos of its annual conference - the "State of the Map" - which have languished in dark corners. Earlier on in the year I set about tracking down the footage from SOTM08 in Limerick, to see if I could help out. We got hold of the raw footage, and I slowly worked my way through figuring out which clip was which, editing out the inevitable inter-speech faffing, fiddling with the sound and lighting levels and encoding the whole thing. As if that wasn't enough, uploading them has taken the best part of the last 10 weeks, but it's all done! Every speech from the main room is now available online, for everyone who was there and wants to reminisce, for those who couldn't make it to Ireland, and for the 78% of OSMers who have joined up since!

You can find a list of all the talks and links to the videos on the OpenStreetMap wiki: State of the Map 2008

There's some classic OpenStreetMap history in their, from everything Hiroshi says (sadly with some audio problems in one clip) to Gervase's now infamous OSM Fieldwork project. Got any favourites yourself? That's what the comments are for, below.

The observant amongst you will have noticed I haven't mentioned SOTM07 in Manchester yet, although I've been tarting up the wiki page in anticipation of... something... Unfortunately not all of the first conference was actually filmed, but the corollary is suggestive... If you want to help out with my costs for this effort, or simply to show your appreciation, here's a donations link. If you don't want to donate, a "thank you" in the comments is a perfect alternative!

This post was posted on 2 November 2009 and tagged OpenStreetMap