State of the Map 2007 Videos - in HD!

When Jon Burgess found out that I was editing the 2008 videos, he dug out his recordings of the first SOTM conference and sent me a disk full of them. This time I knew what I was doing a bit more, and the quality is much improved - in fact, if you have the bandwidth and computer for it, you can also watch them in full HD glory.

Unfortunately Jon didn’t have enough space to record all the talks, but we have 15 available on vimeo. For a full list of talks and links see the OpenStreetMap wiki, or just have a look at my video account and watch them all!

My pick of the bunch are:

It’s great watching these videos - I wasn’t even “into” OSM enough back then to go the conference! And it’s nice to see the things that are wildly different now, and all the things that are still familiar topics.

This post was posted on 27 November 2009 and tagged OpenStreetMap